Untitled Document
이상영 Sangyung Lhee
Sangyoung Lhee received her BFA and MFA in fiber art from Ewha Womans University College of Fine Arts. She then moved to Paris, France, and graduated from the school costume combinations (Les Ecoles de la Chambre Syndicale De La Parisienne),returned to Korea after completion of professional course at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology). She then obtained a doctorate from Department of Clothing and Textiles, Ewha Womans University in 2012. Including solo exhibitions in South Korea and the US, her work has been shown in numerous curated exhibitions and group exhibitions.
She is now a member of Ewha Thread and Needle and Korea Craft Council, works as a director of Korea Embroidery Culture Council.
Trend & Chic Mutation 201112, 2011, 20×20㎝(30pieces), 자수,
기계자수, 데님워싱, 실크스크린, 견사, 메탈사, 아크릴사, 데님